Brad Stoller

Classical Pilates Instructor with certifications in all Pilates apparatus

Certified Movement Educator, Brad Stoller, LMT, is the head of theater at P.V.C.C., he has been teaching contact improvisation for over 30 years around the U.S. and Europe, and at the University of Virginia as faculty.

Brad‘s exploration of movement practices began as many have, by seeking more ease and freedom in a body racked by injury and strain from sports.

Brad’s initial explorations began with the Feldenkrais method which he continues to avidly study. The practice of attention and awareness is so helpful and useful to create a richer and more fulfilling experience of moving.

Personal or small group sessions can be witnessed as another form of dance, learning to maintain one’s full and rich autonomous interaction with vestibular forces. Facing challenges without trying to burst through them releases more options and pleasure in one’s experience of moving. Often times this approach is indirect, freeing our system to recognize more innate and suitable patterns that emerge as old habits are relied on less forcefully.

Outside of the studio, Brad works at PVCC and is also a Strain Counterstrain Practioner.

Brad Stoller


Marianne Harman


Julie Morrill